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You Don't Need to Live with Annoying Ear Wax Blockages

Ear wax, it's just a very natural part of ear health, we all get it, but the amount and type of ear wax are purely genetics. It's also one of those things most people don't like to talk about or admit to having. The outer ear canal itself is lined with glands and tiny hair follicles that produces a waxy oil called cerumen. Ear wax acts as a sort of protective barrier, produced by glands residing in the ear canal, it is actually helpful in trapping small particles, microorganisms, fungi, and dust, thus keeping the debris from infecting or somehow damaging the eardrum itself. Ear wax is also known to protect the skin in the ear canal from any possible irritation from water and slowing the growth of bacteria, ear wax actually contains lubricating and antibacterial properties. A majority of the time ear wax is naturally moved through our ear canal by jaw movements such as chewing, also as the skin in the ear canal grows, it does this from the inside, out. This leads to the ear wax moving, drying, flaking and falling out, naturally.

Possible Complications of Ear wax

Ear wax blockages can affect your daily life, causing discomfort, and reduced hearing. Small or unusually shaped ear canals can be very hard to clean and can develop ear wax impactions or blockages also called Cerumen impactions. Another possibility is middle-ear infection and external-ear infection (swimmers ear). A perforated ear drum is also a possibility along with the more serious and permanent hearing loss from acoustic trauma. Temporary hearing loss is also a very common symptom of an ear wax blockage or build up. This usually returns to normal after successful treatment. Ear wax blockage or build up is actually the most common ear issue that doctors hear complaints about and it affects about six percent of people in the world.


Without ear wax our ears would be dry, itchy and subject to many issues, including ear infection and damage to the ear drum. Ear wax seems disgusting, but it's actually a good thing. Our body knows what it's' doing, and we do need ear wax for many reasons as listed above. So read on to find out, the causes of ear wax blockage and build up (cerumen impaction), and to find out h ow you really should clean your ears, if you really should clean your ears and who should avoid any at home treatments. You might be surprised to learn some of the information in this article.

Syringing with warm water is one of the most effective ways of removing ear wax build up

Syringing with warm water is one of the most effective ways of removing ear wax build up


The use of cotton swabs (q-tips) and/or any other objects such as bobby pins, tissues, etc. These things may remove some wax but, are dangerous as they can push wax deep into the actual ear canal. Also a culprit could be hearing aids, ear plugs, head phones, and ear bud users as well. In case you didn't know, headphones can prevent ear wax from making it's way down the ear canals, thus causing a blockage, same with ear buds.


Another possible cause of blockage and build up could be the body is just producing ear wax at a fast rate that the ear simply cannot keep up with (most likely genetics), causing it to harden in the ear canal and not able to work it's way down and out. Are certain people just more prone to this? The answer is yes, People with developmental disabilities, and older people.

Symptoms of Ear Wax Build Up

  • Ear pain

  • Dizziness

  • Decreased Hearing, may get worse

  • A feeling of Itching in the ear

  • Draining of the ear canal (discharge)

  • Ringing in the ear (tinnitus), buzzing or other odd noises in the ear

  • Plugged or fullness sensation in the affected ear. Usually only in one ear

Signs of Infection/ When to go to the Hospital

If you have any vomiting or high fever* Loss of balance, spinning sensation, or an inability to walk* Or any sudden loss of hearing, can also get worse* An odor coming from your ear* Coughing* Severe pain in your ear that does not subside* Or if you think you might have a perforated ear drum (recent injury, ear infection, loud noises or pressure accompanied change like that from scuba diving or flying).


A General Practitioner will be able to diagnose Ear wax blockage or even an ear drum perforation by simply looking into your ear with an otoscope (a lighted instrument with a magnifier) and/or listening to your symptoms. A doctor might tell you to try an at home treatment for ear wax removal unless you have a tube in your eardrum or have been diagnosed with a hole in your ear drum (perforation). Ear wax blockage/build up removal is always most safely performed by a doctor.

At-home Ear Wax Treatments

There are several OTC (over the counter) ear drops you can choose from to soften ear wax. You should always exercise extreme caution when treating this condition at home. Never use any products that are designed specifically for irrigating the teeth or mouth (water pik) on the ear canal. They produce more pressure than your ear drum can handle safely and can cause severe damage to the ear drum. If the problem persists, go back to your doctor. The treatment is usually very fast and pain free and your hearing is usually regained immediately after the blockage is removed.


Murine® or Debrox® can be put into the ear canal with the blockage and kept in for about five minutes, holding the head to the opposite side, to allow the drops to saturate the blockage. After the five minutes, sit up and the ear drops should drain freely out of the ear. You may need to do this several times to ensure the desired results and complete removal of build up. Routine irrigations can help prevent future blockages or build ups in the ear canal.


A bulb-shaped syringe can be used to flush the ear gently with warm water. To help prevent any dizziness, try to keep the water at room temperature. You really should never attempt to irrigate your ear at home if you have had a medical procedure (surgery) performed on your ear or an ear injury to the ear drum.


To soften ear wax you can use any of the following substances at home: Baby oil, mineral oil, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide or commercial name brand ear drops. Use a syringe or eye dropper to administer a few drops into your ear canal, maybe twice a day for about five days, this process will soften the ear wax and allow it to move and make its way out. If that didn't work for you, you can add some hydrogen peroxide to the ear canal, this should help to remove any wax build up and cerumen blockage. Remember to thoroughly dry your ear after this process.


Ear candling is a procedure that uses a beeswax and paraffin, cone shaped, hollow candle. The tapered end is placed in the ear, and then someone (an assistant) lights the other end of the candle, making sure none of your hair catches on fire. When the candle is burned, a vacuum is then created and in theory, ear wax is drawn out of the ear canal. This is not a recommended treatment. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has warned that the ear candles may not be very safe. According to the FDA using the ear candles can cause the possibility of: Bleeding, injuries from dripping hot wax, burns of the face and ear, fire hazards, and a possible puncture to the ear drum. This could also be dangerous for young children who may not be able to sit still for long periods of time.


*At Home commercial Suction Devices (such as Wax-Vac) are not usually effective for the majority of people with ear wax blockage, therefore they are not recommended.

Medical Treatments

The doctor may use a curette (resembles a small plastic spoon), or he may decide to try to irrigate your ear with warm water, saline, docusate (colace), some sodium bicarbonate or prescription strength ear drops (cerumenolytic agents). There is also a treatment called Aurel Toilet. Aurel toilet is when the doctor uses a thin instrument with a tiny circular hoop at one end to scrape or clean the ear wax build up or blockage from your ear canal. Your doctor could also decide a gentle suction (micro suction) is needed to help remove a stubborn blockage or build up of ear wax. The doctor to perform the suction is a specialist called an Otolaryngologist, this doctor uses suction and special miniature instruments along with a microscope to magnify the ear canal. This method is preferred if you have a weakened immune system or if you suffer from diabetes.


Not all of the above treatments are appropriate for everyone, your doctor or pharmacist can help figure out which ones might work for you, and inform you about any associated side effects and possible risks. Irrigations should not be performed on individuals with weakened immune systems, diabetes or a tube in the ear drum.


Earwax blockages and other complications of the ear canal can be prevented by not using cotton tipped swabs, such as Q-tips or any other objects placed in the ear canal that could possibly force the ear wax down farther into the ear canal. Many people still use cotton swabs the wrong way, by inserting them into the ear canal, this can push the ear wax build up down farther and lead to an ear infection and damage the lining of the ear canal, not to mention damaging the ear drum.


When it comes to small children it's also important to remember attempting to remove an ear wax blockage or build up from your child's ear canal could permanently damage the ear canal. If you notice your child putting their finger in their ear, or think they might have an ear wax blockage, it is probably best to schedule an appointment to see their pediatrician.


The average person does not need medical help frequently for ear wax blockage removal. Do not clean your ears too often, ear wax helps to protect your ears. Remember above, we mentioned the job ear wax has, lubricating the ear canal and ear wax acts as an antibacterial agent. An annual visit to the doctor is usually enough for the once a year cleaning. If you are prone to this happening, you may want to prevent the blockage and/or ear wax build up by irrigating your ear canals on a regular basis. If treatments do not help, your doctor may refer you to an ENT (ear nose and throat) specialist.

Conclusions and Thoughts

When should ears be cleaned? The answer, ideally the ears should never be cleaned. But this is usually never the case. Basically only when you think you may have an ear wax blockage or build up. See symptoms above.


People who wear hearing aids should regularly be examined for ear wax blockage (cerumen impaction) about every three to six months.


If you do plan on seeing a doctor you should be well prepared and take along with you a list of questions. Your doctor will likely have questions for you as well. The doctor may ask:* About how long have you been having the hearing loss or ear ache, etc.?* Do you recall having any drainage from your ears at any time in the past?* Have you experienced any of these symptoms in the past? Such as ear ache and drainage?* Have the symptoms you are having now, been occasional or constant?* Is the problem in one ear or both ears?* How long this been happening? Does it come on after activity or just generally there?


Note: It's important to understand that earaches, hearing loss and dizziness can have numerous other causes. You should see your doctor if any of these symptoms become more frequent. A full medical evaluation can help determine if the cause is caused be an ear wax blockage/ build up or another more serious health concern.

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